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Q: Why was decrees made my the Germans?
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Name the decrees laws the Germans put into place Label them 24 A B etc?


Who made the panzerschreck?

The Germans did.

A Right Angle is how many decrees?

90 decrees

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the germans made cotton and helped to collect it for the americans

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Polish decrees happened in 1940.

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the Germans made it aswell as the flame thrower, gas, and the zepplin the Germans made it aswell as the flame thrower, gas, and the zepplin the Germans made it aswell as the flame thrower, gas, and the zepplin

What is located at 0 decrees longitude?

The prime meridian. And its degrees not decrees.

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the germans

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What made the Germans back down in the Holocaust againt the Jews?

This is an odd question as the Germans did not 'back down'.

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The reference to Huns made Germans seem barbaric.

How are decisions made and enforced in absolute monarchy?

The king or queen.