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"they are bred for fighting and are banned in uk. they have an instinct to attack other animals and sometimes children. the main danger is the strength of there bite they just clamp there teeth shut and have stonger jaw muscles than other dogs"

The only truth in this statement is that they are banned in the UK. The stronger jaw is a myth. Rottwielers have the strongest jaw strength of all the dogs. Pit bulls don't have jaws that lock. However they were bred actually to HOLD bulls in place. So essentially they were cattle dogs. It was after that people decided to fight them for sport. They bred dogs that could be easily manipulated and controlled by people and obeyed orders to attack. They were not bred aggressive but trained to be. In America there are thousands of therapy dogs that are pit bull. They are gentle, snugglers by nature and very smart and loyal. A dog that is so willing to please it's owners that they are often misused. Dogs that are friendly and have never attacked anyone are made, in some places with bans or restrictions, to wear a muzzle in public.This makes them look aggressive when they are not. And in other places they are killed because they resemble pit bull even if DNA says they are not. Even if they never so much as barked. You can find results of behavioral tests for pit bull terrier, Staffordshire and other pit types here. You will see that they scored higher on them then other dogs. I actually feel sorry for someone that has never experienced a well cared for and loved pit type dog.

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14y ago

Pit Bull Terriers were first bred for dog fighting, or pit fighting. The breeder crossed terriers with different varieties of bulldog until the result had the strength of bulldogs, and the tenacity of terriers.

Pit Bulls were first bred for farming. the reason is because if the were to be kicked then i would not hurt them because there jaws are so strong

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12y ago

To be a fighting dog for entertainment but they can be loving dogs if you dont train them to be vicious.

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