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because they eat small mammals and their population get four times more than it used to be

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Q: Why should you not keep the wolves?
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Should Idaho keep or get rid of wolves and why?

Idaho should keep those wonderful creatures because they help the enviroment.

What is so good about wolves?

They are part of the environment and should be respect like any other animal. They help keep balance in the ecosystem.

How did wolves get their fur?

To keep them warm and to keep water from touching their skin.

How are wolves adapted to their surroundings?

they have fur to keep them warm

What does the wolf do for its environnment?

Wolves keep populations down. :)

Should wolves be pets?


What can people do to stop the killing of wolves?

People should drop their guns down and say " I'm done hunting wolves , and I should leave them all alone!" People should think that wolves aren't going to be ferocious if they stop hunting them. They should leave them all alone and let them be free in the wild! Protective legislation would be great start.

What environmental threats do wolves have?

a wolves niche is too keep the pray population in check without wolves there pray wold be on street and maybe even in homes

Are there wild wolves in Texas?

No, wolves have been extirpated from Texas. There is some discussion about a program to reintroduce them, however. Ranchers are not too keen on the idea.

Should wolves be let back into Scotland?

Yes, wolves should be let back into Scotland, if they were already there once they deserve to be there again.

Do Arctic wolves need to cool off?

no, arctic wolves do not need to cool off because they have fur. fur helps all mammals keep warm. arctic wolves are mammals.

Should you have wild wolves in the UK?
