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99.9% chance of fleas (usually cat fleas- in my experience).

Even if you never take your ferret outside AND you don't have other pets, fleas can hitch a ride on your socks when you come in from out doors and eventually find your ferret.

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Q: Why is your ferret scratching and biting like little bugs and hasn't been acting herself lately?
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What does it mean if you dream a ferret is going to kill you?

i depends what you dream about (e.g any why it could die like someone kills a ferret with a knife

What could be biting your ferret that is clawing and biting itself and now is really lazy and sleepy?

Look for fleas, even one flea on a ferret can cause anemia

What do ferrets do for defense?

A ferret's defense would be biting - as in being a fear biter.

Your dog is constantly holding your ferret down and putting her mouth over the ferret but not actually biting is she playing or trying to hurt her?

It sounds like your dog is playing by mouthing with your ferret. Mouthing and biting is how they learn as puppies playing with other puppies. There are variations in a dog's behavoir depending on the breed. Remember that a dog can kill a ferret very easily, even if he's only playing. Your dog needs to be trained that this is unacceptable behavoir with your ferret, otherwise you need to keep them separated. A ferret can bite pretty hard and may bring out instinct in your dog to harm your ferret. Never leave a ferret unsupervised with any other animals.

Why does you ferret get mad?

What do you mean by mad? If your ferret is tearing up stuff it probably is not getting as much time out of its cage as it should, ferrets should have 2-4 hours out of their cage a day. If you are gone/busy all day, you could get a bigger cage (if you can afford it) and another ferret for a play mate; but you should still give your ferret(s) one on one play time with you.If your ferret is biting you then you can spray bitter apple on your hand and that will detour any biting; however, if your ferret is a kit it's probably just tryng to play with you. Remember that a ferret's skin is tougher than a human's, so a gentle nip to a ferret means come play with me! But to you it hurts, heres a link to how to nip train your ferret.

What is the best way to break a biting ferret's grip?

press your thumb on his throat will choke him slightly but he will let go..

How do you train a 9 week old ferret that started biting your toes fingers etc not to bite?

A young ferret needs to be properly socialized and requires quite a bit of human interaction and playtime. Baby ferrets play together by biting each other. Is your ferret wanting more attention or just wanting to play with you. You teach a young ferret not to bite by scruffing, which is the way the mother ferret scolds her babies. When your ferret nips or bites, scruff him/her (gently grab the skin on the back of the neck with your thumb and forefinger (or index finger) and lift up a little and your ferret should relax, while saving "No" in an authorative voice. Never hit or flick your ferrets nose, as they don't understand that action.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Mysterious Black-Footed Ferret - 1986?

The cast of The Mysterious Black-Footed Ferret - 1986 includes: Loretta Swit as Herself - Host

Would a ferret eat or attack a guinea pig?

Yes very easily! a ferret bit one of my guinea pigs in the face. Not trying to be violent but just not knowing any better since ferrets play all the time with each other biting.

How do you teach your ferret that is blind and deaf not to bite?

To keep your blind and deaf ferret from biting, approach him slowly as not to startle him (if that's what making him bite) . He has a keen sense of smell, let him smell as you slowly approach him. An alternative would be to use a product called "bitter apple"

What could be wrong with a one year old female ferret that hasn't been herself since being introduced 2 days ago to a baby ferret?

Any unusual behaviors in a ferret could indicate possible illness or disease. If your ferret up to date on required vaccinations? When introducing a new ferret it is recommended a quarantine period to avoid a spread of illness or disease. Make sure your ferret is getting plenty of attention as the baby ferret is taking your time away from her. If her unusual behavior continues, contact your veterinarian for advice.

What is a ferret kit?

A Ferret kit is a baby Ferret.