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Your dog is very sick; take him or her to the vet ASAP.

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Q: Why is your dog throwing up and is laying around?
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Dog seems depressed and has increasing hair loss on his butt and isn't active usually sleeping or laying down most of the day an has been throwing up?

Go to a vet ASAP ( as soon as possible ). The vet might be able to fix your dog.

Why your dog is throwing up worm?

Because it doesn't belong in them.

What would a rabbit do if there was a dog tied up?

My rabbit loves my dog. She hops round his legs and licks him when he's laying down, but she hides when he starts barking. So a Rabbit would probably be fine around a docile dog, but act scared around an aggresieve dog.

My dog is throwing up constantly thirsty and very lazy?

This dog sounds sick. Please take this dog to a vet.

Why is your dog throwing up yellow bile and seems to have a fever?

He may be sick. You should call your vet for advice.

How much longer does your dog have to live after throwing up often?

5 min.

Why is your dog anus bleed and why is she throwing up mucus?

Uhh... yeah I would take your dog to the vet...

Your dog ate a chicken bone and is now throwing up all her food from this morning What should you do She is drinking water and walking around?

Take her to the vet to be safe.

Your 15lb dog drank a lot of epsom salt water and has been throwing up for a few days now and diarhea Is this an emergency or will it pass?

If your dog has been throwing up and has had diarhea for a few days, you need to contact your vet immediately, or get the dog to a vet immediately.

Why is my dog throwing up blood what can i do there is no one to drive her to the vet what do you do?

Call your vet for advice.

Is it ok for the puppy to throw up the worms?

No. If your dog is throwing up worms, then you need to take it to a vet ASAP.

What if your pregnant dog is throwing up white mucus?

You need to at least call a veterinarian and ask them if they think your dog needs to be seen by them.