you might need to get them to a vet to see if they have worms.
No...not even if the dog eats one.
No, it shouldn't it might give them diarrhea though.
Maybe your dog looks skinny because him/her ribs are showing or maybe they are skinny .If they are you can try to feed it by hand or bring your dog to a docter.
train it
your kinda just out of luck. i dont think anything will effect the dog though.
I would have a dog even though i have a dogI would have a cat or a rabbit, even though I have 4 cats, a rabbit and a dog.
if a dog eats mice poison you should see a vet about it
The prairie dog is chiefly herbivorous, though it eats some insects. It feeds primarily on grasses and, in the fall, broadleaf forbs
Not common, but it is possible.