Mammals tend to be larger in the northern regions of their range. This is known as "Bergmann's Rule". Examples: The Siberian tiger is the largest subspecies, averaging somewhat heavier than other subspecies, but Bengal tigers are nearly as big. Other examples are white tailed deer, which average larger in northern climes than down south, with the tiny Key Deer no bigger than a medium sized dog.There are exceptions, however. The largest black bear ever killed came from North Carolina, 880 pounds. Siberian tigers live in a cold snowy climate, and are somewhat lighter in color as not to stand out too much in snowy forests.
Yes. They are about the same size, but Tigers are bigger
Bigger tigers and larger cats.
Well, according to scientific research, male tigers are bigger than female tigers. Males have always been known too be bigger than females so according to logic ( and scientific research) , male tigers are bigger than female tigers.
It depends on what you mean by bigger. The Siberian and Bengal subspecies of tiger both average heavier and longer than lions. The Indo Chinese tiger is roughly the same weight as a lion, the other tiger subspecies are somewhat lighter than lions.The lion however, stands a bit taller at the shoulder than the Siberian or Bengal tigers.
A bigger tiger.
A cloud.
Orange Tigers live in North America White Tigers live near Russia
Tigers are orange-furred with lighter (white) areas and black stripes. Albinos (white tigers) are white with black stripes.