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because of people.

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Q: Why is the black bearded flying fox endangered?
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Related questions

When was Black-bearded Flying Fox created?

Black-bearded Flying Fox was created in 1867.

What do people do to save the black bearded flying fox?

they are not tearing down trees.

Why are flying foxes nocturnal?

flying fox is endangered becuase of pochers

When was Black Flying Fox created?

Black Flying Fox was created in 1837.

Is flying fox bat an endangered animal?


Are flying fox threatened or endangered?

They are both threatend and endangerd

How much does a black flying fox weigh?

On average, the black flying fox weighs 1.57 lb. In metric units, they weigh around 710 grams. The black flying fox is one of the largest bats in the world.

Where did the black flying fox live?


Is there such thing of a flying fox in Austrila?

There are four types of flying foxes that are native to Australia. They are the black flying fox, the gray headed flying fox, the little red flying fox, and the spectacled flying fox. Their scientific names, in the same order, are Pteropus alecto, Pteropus poliocephalus, Pteropus scapulatus, and Pteropus conspicillatus.

What bats are found along Norman creek?

black flying fox

Is the Antarctic Fox critically endangered?

There is no Antarctic fox. The Arctic fox is not endangered.

Is the Grey fox endangered?

the grey fox is endangered because IT IS