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There is no such tiger species as the "golden tabby".

The golden tabby tiger is actually a Bengal tiger with a colour variation caused by a recessive gene. White tigers, for example, are also Bengal tigers with a recessive gene, As far as we know, no "golden tabby" coloured Bengal tigers have ever appeared in the wild and have, so far, only occurred in captivity. The recessive gene appears to be a side effect of being kept in captivity. It is currently a pretty rare occurrence, however. The name "golden tabby" refers to their colour, not their species. Their species is Bengal tiger.

Bengal tigers are endangered and in danger of extinction due to illegal trophy hunters, habitat loss and hunters who wrongly believe that the Bengal tiger has some kind of medicinal benefit.

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9y ago

Golden tabby tigers are a color variation of the Bengal tiger, as are white tigers. None or very few have appeared in the wild. All tigers are endangered.

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9y ago

Golden tabby tigers are a color variation of the Bengal tiger, as are white tigers. None or very few have appeared in the wild. All tigers are endangered.

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What is the number of offspring of a golden tabby tiger?

There is no ''golden tabby'' tiger Golden tabby colored tigresses would have two to four cubs, like all tigresses.

What does a golden tabby look like?

a golden tabby tiger looks like a normal tiger except its coat is shinier than others

Where is the golden tabby tiger habitat?

In captivity

Do golden tabby tigers live in zoo's?

The golden tabby tiger is being held captive because there are only around 12 left, yet many more hold the gene.

What size are golden tabby tigers?

it is smaller than bengal tiger...........

What is the golden tabby tigers behavioral adaptation?

well they are tame and love nightclawers

What is the golden tabby tiger?

The golden tabby tiger is a rare color variation of the Bengal tiger that has a golden-orange coat with pale stripes. They are not considered a separate subspecies but are the result of a genetic mutation. Due to their rarity, they are highly coveted by private collectors and not commonly found in the wild.

What is the golden tabby tiger's food chain?

welly boot- rubber tree- tiger

Who is golden tabby tigers predators?

Golden tabby tigers' predators can include large carnivores such as lions, leopards, and crocodiles in their native habitat. However, due to their rare and often protected status, they may not face as many predators as other tiger subspecies in the wild.

Are golden tabby tigers carnivore herbivores omnivore?

All cats are obligate carnivores, they cannot digest anything but meats.

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Lionheart is a magnificent golden tabby tom with long fur like a lion's mane.

What color was Abe lincolns tabby cat?

A "tabby" cat has a "tabby" coloring. That is what "tabby" means.