The ears, as well as other parts of the body of an Arctic fox, are small to make for a smaller surface area to volume ratio. This means that less of the surface of the fox's body is exposed, which helps to trap heat in its cold environment.
8-11 cm
Yes, the Arctic fox is a predator. It feeds on small animals such as the Arctic hare.
The Arctic fox helps control the populations of small animals such as lemmings and Arctic hares.
Arctic fox is mostly white in their coat colour. Indian fox is grey in colour. Arctic fox has a short body, a small muzzle and small ears. Indian fox has a long body, an elongated muzzle and long ears. Arctic fox is carnivorous. Indian fox is omnivorous.
it would be the arctic fox but the live in very different habbitats
The arctic fox is a consumer, and it is a Secondary consumer as it eats rabbits and other small animals. . . and what not
The Arctic fox is not an endangered species except for a couple small populations in northern Europe.
predation This answer is not true. The arctic fox is too small to hunt a caribou. Their relationship is commensalism. The caribou digs for food in the snow and when it leaves, the arctic fox will come in and eat the animals that live below the snow. The caribou is unaffected while the arctic fox benefits.
The desert fox (fennec fox) is a very small animal and would be no match for the much larger arctic fox. They would never meet for such an encounter in nature. The arctic fox is found north of the Arctic Circle and lives in the tundra while the fennec lives in the Sahara.
how might ear size keep an artic fox losing too much body heat
No, arctic foxes are not interested and are way too small to eat a human.
arctic fox=voles and mice red fox=eggs and small flight less animals