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Q: Why is sugar not spelled like how it sounds I.E Shugar VS Sugar?
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Where does shugar come from?

Sugar comes from sugar cane or sugar beet plants. The process of extracting sugar involves crushing or extracting the juice from these plants, which is then processed to remove impurities and crystallize the sugar.

How do you spell shugar?

The most likely word is "sugar" (sucrose or glucose).

What ice cream have the least shugar?

Believe it or not, rocky road does. And when you pile as much sugar as possible on top, it dissolves and less sugar is put in it.

Do ants like cheese or shugar?

Sugar. Ants don't like cheese! BOO! Love cheese.... ;) ICCC

How do you spell sugar in Punjabi?

"Sugar" in Punjabi is spelled as ਚੀਨੀ.

What does raw shugar taste like?

Raw sugar is what is left after the blackstrap molasses is spun off. It is heavier than refined sugar and is difficult to use in baking. It tastes smoky with a caramel taste to it.

How would you say sugar and salt in the French language?

sugar is spelled 'sucre' (masc.) and salt is spelled 'sel' (masc.)

How does sugar get white colour?

As weird as it sounds, white sugar is the product of bleached raw sugar (granulated brown sugar).

Should you put shugar in water?

Adding sugar to water is a common practice to create a simple syrup, which can be used in various recipes like cocktails and desserts. The sugar dissolves in the water to create a sweet liquid. The amount of sugar can be adjusted based on personal preference.

What is disacharide?

A disaccharide is a type of sugar composed of two monosaccharide molecules joined together through a chemical bond. Common disaccharides include sucrose (table sugar), lactose (milk sugar), and maltose (malt sugar). They are broken down during digestion into their individual monosaccharide components for absorption.

How do you spell malasses?

The word for a sugar byproduct is spelled "molasses".

Can you make youself get diabetes type one by eating absolutly no suger?

sugar is spelled sugAr. and no, they don't know what the cause is.... yet