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mould grows like a plant. so it is like looking at a forest from above it just looks that way.

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Q: Why is mold hairy?
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What is that white fussy and hairy mold growing on blue cheese?

because I came.

What looks like Black hairy clump growing on ground fungus or mold?

Black bread mold is also called ergot. It is of the phylum Zygomycota of the Kingdom Fungi.

What kind of white hairy mold grows on grapes?

The white hairy mold that grows on grapes is typically botrytis cinerea, also known as noble rot. It is a beneficial fungus that can enhance the flavor and sweetness of the grapes in certain winemaking processes, such as for the production of sweet dessert wines like Sauternes.

Why are kiwi hairy?

The hairy exterior of a kiwi fruit serves as protection from pathogens and pests. The small, fuzzy hairs also help to retain moisture and prevent mold growth on the fruit's skin, allowing it to stay fresh longer.

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The positive form of "hairy" is "hairy".

What shape is penicillium?

Penicillium is a mold that typically grows in a branching, filamentous or hairy shape. It can appear in different colors such as blue, green, or white, depending on the species and environmental conditions.

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terrible hairy bull

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Uncle Harry, is indeed very hairy.

How hairy is minad?

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Hairy Maclary is from Donaldson's Dairy. Hairy Maclary is from Donaldson's Dairy.

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