

Why is corn important to a cat?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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13y ago

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Well think about what a cat eats.Cats eat mice and mice eat corn.So if the mice eat the corn then they would grow and be healthy for the cat to eat.If the mice didn't eat corn then they wouldn't grow so the cat wopuldn't have anything to eat.So corn is important to a cat because mice eat corn and cat eat mice.Hoped it helped!

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Would something bad happen if a cat ate corn?

It is likely nothing will happen, or your cat may get an upset stomach. Cats are carnivores so they have trouble digesting corn, grain and some vegetables, and feeding a cat such food repeatedly could harm its health.

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Can cats eat corn on the cob?

No.Cats may eat corn, but it is proven that corn is bad for their health. It can cause Kidney Stones, blocking the kidney causing Kidney Failure.Most factories, that create Dry Cat Food brands, fill in with corn and carrots. Every Cat owner should always check the ingredients of whatever Cat food they buy - for it may carry (as the main ingredient) corn &&, or, carrots.No owner who loves their cat dearly, should just take the cheapest brand on the shelf. Devoted owners will always check the ingredients for "Corn Meal" as the ingredient.