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Ducks are not mammals - they are birds. The differences between birds and mammals are:

  • Birds have feathers while mammals have fur, hair or skin
  • Birds lay eggs whilst mammals (with the exception of the monotremes) bear live young
  • Birds do not feed their young on mothers' milk like all mammals do
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9y ago
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11y ago

To begin with, the term "duckbill platypus" is clearly misleading and should not be used. It is the source of a great deal of misunderstanding.

The platypus, as it is simply called, is a mammal but unlike most mammals, it lay eggs. It is a monotreme, which is an egg-laying mammal. It shares no characteristics with birds of any description, because even its eggs a soft-shelled and leathery, unlike hard-shelled birds' eggs.

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14y ago

There is no such animal as a duckbilled.

The platypus is sometimes called a duckbill platypus (but not by Australians), and it is a mammal.

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11y ago

Because it has many characteristics of a mammal.

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8y ago

Yes, they are mammals, monotremes, and produce their young with eggs. They are one of only two mammals that lay eggs.

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12y ago

Ducks are semi-aquatic birds.

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11y ago

Yes. Platypus are mammals

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Q: Are duck billed platypuses mammals
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A platypus is an Australian mammal that lays eggs.

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Which mammals is an expample of a montoreme?

Duck billed platypus and Echidna are monotremes.

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What is a group of duck billed platipi called?

There is no such creature as platipi, in either singular or plural form.A group of platypuses does not have any specific name - they are just platypuses.

Is a platypus a relative of a duck?

No. The only similarity is that they are both animals. Platypuses are mammals: they are monotremes, meaning they are egg-laying mammals. Ducks are birds.

Are Platypuses considered a type of beaver duck or just in their own category?

Platypuses are completely within their own category - a sub-group known as monotremes. Platypuses are definitely not a type of beaver. Beavers are placental mammals, while platypuses are monotremes, which are egg-laying mammals. Ducks are not even remotely related to platypuses, as they are birds.

Where do the duck billed platypuses live?

There is no such species as a platypus fish. There is just the platypus, an egg-laying mammal endemic to the eastern states of Australia.

What are examples of monotrame mammals?

Examples of monotrame mammals are duck-billed platypus and two species of echidna (long-nosed and short-nosed).

What is the only animal can have eggs?

Duck Billed Playpus and Spiny Echidnas are both egg laying mammals.