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Just like humans interacting with each other dogs can get testy with the other dog. It's nothing to be that concerned about, but just tell them to 'cool it.' I just had to break up a growling session between my Bichon Frise and Cockapoo last night. They simply got on each other's nerves. Once I spoke to them and send them to their beds they calmed down and all was well. Be strict, shake your finger, say 'no' in a stern voice. You are the leader of the pack and not them!

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16y ago
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13y ago

They may in adolescence. All that means is that your Dachshund is questioning your authority. They think that they should be in charge. It is good to train your Dachshund (such as sit, stay, etc) before they reach adolescence. If not, your Dachshund may be hurt and doesn't want you going near the hurt spot.

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14y ago

He or she could be angry, or feel intruded, try taking your dog on a walk or feeding him or her more.

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13y ago

he could be in might want to take him to a vet

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12y ago

if they are mad at you or if they want you to do something

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Q: Why has my dog started growling at you for no reason?
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What is a sentence for growling?

Look that dog is Growling. He does not like you.

How do you confront a growling dog?

A person should never confront a growling dog. If there is no way out of it, turn your back to the dog and say no.

What should you do if your dog is growling at you?

Take it to a vet or a dog physiologist

What to do when your Shih Tzu growling for no reason?

You either shout "no" or take a rolled-up newspaper to it's head lightly, then do it harder if the dog does it again.

What does it mean if a dog is growling because of random or invisible things such as a ceiling fan or the corner of a room?

a dog can see ghost's, so he might be growling at one telling it to get out. but if he is growling at the ceiling, he might be playing.

What sound does an Dog make?

Snarling and growling

What sound does an aggressive dog make?

Snarling and growling

Why has your dog started growling at your 2 year old for no reason?

There could be several reasons why your dog is growling at your 2-year-old, such as feeling threatened, possessiveness over certain items, or being in pain. It is important to observe your dog's body language and consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to understand and address the underlying cause of the growling. Safety measures should be put in place to prevent any potential harm to your child.

What does a growling black dog mean in a dream?

bad luck

Why does my cat get mad at me for no reason Everything will be fine but then he just starts growling and scratching?

If your cat starts growling and scratching for no reason, there may be something the cat smells or sense on you that they do not like.

Why you protect sharks?

the reason why u protect sharks is not with then growling

Should you ignore your dog growling?

I would say yes because growling is one of the few forms of "verbal" communication dogs possess. Most forms of growling serve one purpose - to get someone or something to back off. So just back away and let your dog be.