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The most common reason for missing fur on the tail is over-grooming by it's cagemates. The best way to prevent this from happening (since it is often due to being bored) is to give them plenty of cardboard and safe nesting materials. Other causes are:

The gerbil is rubbing it's tail on something in the cage- Removing the object.

Former injury- Hair sometimes won't grow back, Nothing to be worried about.

Malnutrition- Due to poor quality or not enough food. Make sure the food doesn't have too many "treats" in it.

Mites/Lice/Fleas- Which you can get checked out by your Vet


If you have two gerbils or more the other one may be chewing off the hair, i have dagu's--which are like gerbils-- and one of them is missing some hair on her tail, due to the other one. If you only have one, i might be chewing off the hair itself. It shouldn't be a big problem though, unless the gerbil is acting different about the missing hair on its tail.

someone or something may have pulled it off. i had one and someone pulled it off. it will look boney at first. but don't worry in a few hours it will grow back but not all the way.

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14y ago
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14y ago

It allows them to slip away from predators. If a predator should have the end of their tail, it will just fall off and the gerbil can safely get away. Sometimes this happens on the gerbil wheel if it gets caught between the wires. And sometimes it happens if you pick your gerbil up by the end of it's tail.

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13y ago

Gerbils do have tails, quite obvious ones in fact.

Perhaps you are thinking of a hamster? They may not look like they have tails. However, they also have tails, albeit much shorter than most other rodents, usually ~3/8" long. Their tails are often hidden by their fur.

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15y ago

Gerbils had tails to aid in there balance when it comes to walking, climbing, and standing on their hind legs.

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14y ago

gerbils are not bald. it could be possible but, i have never heard of a hairless gerbil before.

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14y ago

yes, half of it.

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Q: Why gerbils have fur?
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When do baby gerbils get there fur?

My babies are beginning to grow visible fur and they are 8 days old.

Do gerbils have feathers?

no gerbils don't have feathers, they have fur

Why are gerbils furry?

THey are mammals and they do shed their fur, but you won't notice it.

Do Gerbils Have Fur?

Yes they do after all they are mamals but then again dolphins are mamals.

What is happening when your gerbils skin and fur is separating on its underbelly but there is no blood?

That is actually a sent gland. Don;t worry your gerbils fine. :)

Can you brush a gerbils fur with an old tooth brush?

You shouldn't do that because fungus could start to grow on its fur.

Can you pick up baby gerbils whe they have fur?

no, not until they have fur and can open their eyes. otherwise the mom might smell your sent and not won't take care of her babies anymore.

Does the end of the gerbils tail grow back?

No My gerbil Neve just the fur grows back in

Are gerbils mammals?

No, gerbils are definitely social animals, but they are territorial. Gerbils get depressed if alone, and may even become aggressive. It is best to keep gerbils in same-sex pairs, this way they have one buddy, and there is no chance of declanning, which can happen with groups of gerbils mroe than two.

Is a gerbil one of the Saharan desert mammals?

Their tails give them a larger surface area, so they can cool off faster. They have fur on the bottom of their back feet to protect them from the heat of the sand. The gerbils have a thin layer of fur on their body to protect them from sunburn.

What is the difference between a gerbil and a mouse?

2 Differences Between Gerbils and MiceGerbils hop, mice run. Gerbils have fur on their tails (and usually a tail tuft), mice don't.A gerbil is larger than a mouse, and has fur on its tail. Mice, on the other hand have hairless tails and aren't as nice to hold as a gerbils, they tend to squirm more and could run away easier.

Is it ok for gerbils to have sand in their cage?

no ,because it can go into their nostrils and eyes.besides it will make the fur itchy,rough and uncomfortable.