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The reason that Gerbils don't choke on cardboard is because as soon as they finish chewing it they spit it out onto the floor. That's why when they're chewing a box or tube out of cardboard, a large pile of chewed pieces will pile around their feet.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

No! It is not safe for them to eat it but it is safe for them to chew it.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The gerbil will most likely be fine. It paper, so it should not be harmful. My brother ate a cupcake wrapper once, and he was fine.

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Gerbils can eat, cardboard, wood, fruits, veggies, and they need to have cardboard or something to chew on if not their teeth will grow and grow and overcome them and they will not be able to chew/eat

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Give them things to scratch on like thick peaces of cardboard personally my gerbils scratch the side of the plastic bottom of the cage and that keeps their nails short bless.

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dont it is a breech of their human rights

Do gerbils affect asma?

no they dont they are good pets

Can gerbils eat brussel sprouts?

i dont now

How much do gerbils cost in Australia?

we dont have gerbils. we have guinea pigs. and depends where you get them from. pet stores can be from $10-30.

What do gerbils do the most?

For fun they like to chew paper and cardboard. They also like to run in plastic balls, once they learn how!

Can gerbils live with kittens?

Most kittens or cats dont bother gerbils or hampsters. But, some cats have been known to eat gerbils so, if u have a cat make sure it cant get to your gerbil, or dont have a cat at all if you want a gerbil.

Can you give raw cabbage to gerbils and guinea pigs?

You cant give cabbage to guinea pigs i dont know about gerbils.

Will the male gerbil eat the female gerbil and the baby gerbils?

no male gerbils are very caring so dont split them up