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She may have some leftover hormones that haven't gone away yet.

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Q: Why does your spayed dog mount other dogs?
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Why Dogs try to mount humans?

Yes it can! It may mount you or another dog if it's in heat, a puppy, or if it hasn't been neutered/spayed. If a dog does mound you, tell it to "Get off!" or "No!"

Can two dogs have puppies when one is spayed and the other is not?

Spaying is the removal of the ovaries from a female dog. No dog that is spayed can have puppies. No female dog can have puppies with another female dog. If you are asking about a male dog, the correct term is neutered, not spayed.

How do you stop dogs from mating?

you get them spayed or nutered.

Can a dog mate with spayd dog?

A female dog that has been spayed won't allow a male dog to mount her, and if she did would not get pregnant. Most of the time though, once spayed they no longer put out the signal to male dogs that they are receptive to being mated, so the males don't even attempt to mate with them.

Can a dog be spayed after a year old?

Yes, even dogs that are older than a year can be spayed.

Are you supposed to get your dog spayed in India because over there the dogs are just walking around on the streets?

You probably dont have to but it would be best if you did get her spayed when you get the dog spayed there is a recovery proscess

Your dog is in season and she is aggressive to the stud what can you do?

Get your dogs Spayed and Neutered

Why does your 9 month old spayed puppy try to mount anything including her toys?

In my professional opionion I've observed that a puppy who has been spayed will continue to mount objects, even other dogs, due to their sexual drive. They are simply just in the mood to get it on. Its perfectly fine, considering a female cannot impregnate another dog or any object for that matter.

How do you get your dog to mount other dogs?

It is not appropriate or responsible to encourage or allow a dog to mount other dogs. This behavior can lead to fights or escalate aggression. If your dog is mounting other dogs, it is best to redirect their behavior through training and supervision. Consider seeking advice from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist for guidance.

Is there a shot for dogs to stop pregnancy?

No, there is no shot you can give a dog to abort their pregnancy.

Why has your dog has got womb infection?

This is very common in female dogs who have not been spayed. Either that, or they get endrometritus That is why it is advisable to get them spayed.

Will a dog be all right after getting spayed aka surgery?

if she isn't old, of corse. a lot of dogs get spayed. she should be fine.