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I assume you mean you walk by it's cage and it sprays you. Only bucks do this as they mature. I had a buck that sprayed my husband every time he walked thru the barn with a certain aftershave on (usually when we were fixing to go out). What it means is either the rabbit does not like the scent you are wearing or it sees you as a rival trying to mark his territory so it turns right around and 'marks' you right back. Rabbits like this will continue to do this and it will get worse with age. I have heard of some people breaking their rabbits of this bad habit by spraying them right back with a spray bottle full of water. I never had a buck that did this that I kept long enough to try to break.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Cuz it felt like lying there or it was uncomfortable or where it usually lies is dirty maybe try cleaning the cage or get new bedding or if u don't put it in the whole cage do that but I only put bedding in half the cage cuz he didn't like it there but once in a while he lies in his bedding

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13y ago

A Mother rabbit urinates on her babies to cover up smell in the wild. The only reason caged rabbits would urinate on each other is to many rabbits per cage or they were to close to each other when the other one urinated.

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12y ago

Rabbits will urinate more the more water they drink. It's best for rabbits to drink lots of water, because then their urine is less concentrated, and they're less likely to suffer urine problems (like sludge, stones).

Ways to encourage water drinking:

  • Always provide cool, clean, fresh water to your rabbit.
  • Scrub out the container (bowl or bottle) daily to prevent bacteria.
  • Rabbits who eat lots of hay are more likely to drink lots of water than bunnies who eat more pellets, so consider limiting pellets and really encouraging hay.
  • Douse the rabbit's greens in water.

If your rabbit isn't urinating very much, there could be a problem. Is the urine thick and mustard yellow (sludge)? Does the rabbit dribble urine around instead of going in a particular spot? Does the rabbit seem to strain to urinate, or cry out while urinating? Are there any other signs of ill health in your rabbit?

If your bunny is sick, bring her or him to a vet with experience in rabbits.

See the related questions below for more details and helpful links.

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17y ago

Your rabbit might be scared of you. Or it could just feel the need to scent you as theirs.

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15y ago

cause rats constantly pee. * Actually rats will pee on you to mark you with their scent. Either that or they just simply have to go.

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14y ago

Due to there irregular shaped bowels and weak urinary tracts. Your rabbit must be filled with poop, because its feces push down on the bladder with a downward force, making urine come out

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14y ago

Rabbits have a different metabolism. They eat lots of vegetation. This has high amounts of fiber. Fiber helps the rabbit to digest faster. That is why they urinate and poop a lot.

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9y ago

Because it has a split hare personality disorder

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Q: Why does your rabbit urinate a lot?
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I urinate a lot because i drink water a lot and i also eat the thing i want but does it mean that I'm pregnat?

Urinating a lot is one of the signs of pregnancy but you drinking a lot of water may lead you to urinate a lot too. The best option is to contact a doctor to help you know if you are pregnant or not.

How long from the time you feed a newborn rabbit will they defecate and urinate?

They should, with Mom's help go immediately after stimulation.

What happens when you drink a lot on a cold day?

You urinate alot.

Who do some people urinate a lot?

Some people tend to urinate a lot because they have too much liquid within body. Some drinks, such as alcohol, make people urinate at a constant rate because it is a diuretic (a type of drug that raises the rate of urination)

Can you use rabbit manure straight from rabbit?

As What? If it is for plants you're going to need a lot of rabbit droppings.

If you urinate a lot does it mean that you are pregnant?

yes, if you urinate more that 4 times a day, you should see your doctor and/ or get a pregnancy test! :P

If you drink a lot on a cold day what will happen?

you urinate like crazy!!!

Where can a rabbit be found?

a LOT of places.

In nutrition what would cause you to urinate a lot when you don't drink enough?


Does eating a lot of fruit make you urinate more?

Apples are a good source of fiber and have some liquid.