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When animals chew on parts of their bodies and cause themselves harm (when it's more than just regular grooming), that is called "self-mutilation" and it's always a sign of illness or injury. If your rabbit is chewing on his foot, you should bring him or her to a vet with experience and knowledge in rabbits as soon as possible. Rabbits are very susceptible to quick down-turns when they're sick, so be on-guard and get to a vet soon.

No matter what the reason, you have to stop your rabbit from eating fur. Unlike cats, rabbits can't vomit, so for them a "fur ball" is very serious (can cause gut impaction, GI stasis, death). Brush your rabbit really well to remove all the extra fur and make sure your bunny is drinking lots of fresh water. (Wash the water bottle/bowl every day and fill it with clean, fresh water. Drench the rabbit's salad greens in water too, because this will encourage water consumption.) If you can't get your rabbit to stop eating fur, and/or if it isn't drinking much water, go to see a vet.

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12y ago

Rabbits are curious animals, and they will usually want to explore all the areas they have access to. Food smells are interesting to rabbits, and if they smell something yummy in the garbage they will try to eat it. Rabbits are foragers and grazers in the wild, which means they nose through all kinds of things to find the foods they want to eat. Most likely, the rabbit smells something in your garbage that reminds it of food and it wants to eat it.

Because of these behaviours, it's extremely important that you "bunny-proof" any areas your rabbit has access to. The real answer to this question is: your rabbit is eating out of the garbage because you're letting him (or her) do it! Keep her away from the garbage from now on, because there are possibly dangerous things in there that can make him sick. Start exerting more control over your rabbit's environment today.

There's also the possibility that your rabbit is really hungry because you're not feeding it enough, so it's looking everywhere to find food. Unlike cats, dogs, humans, and many other animals, rabbits want (and need) to eat on-and-off all day long. Pellets and fresh leafy greens are important every day (either in one meal or, much better, in two meals, breakfast and dinner), but the rabbit should also have access to hay and water 100% of the time, 24/7. The rabbit can nibble on hay whenever it wants and then it will never be hungry. Rabbits should have enough food (hay) to last them all day.

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Take it to a rabbit vet!

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12y ago

because it is too poor to afford carrots

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yes eat anything you want your baby needs it all!!!!!!

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No, grass can't "eat" anything. Well, sort of, but only in the sense that grass feeds on nutrients in the soil, and a decomposing rabbit corpse will leave nutrients in the soil.

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Rabits can eat anything! Omg! Not if you care about your blumin rabbit they can't!! They can't eat ivy!! Ivy is poisonous to them! I will answer the question propely!! Well, rabbit's can't eat anything that's too wet, like cucumber, so they probably can't eat grapes. You can try it, but if it give's them dioreeha, don't ever feed them it again. -Bunnyloverhip

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Antivenom is produced by using rabbits- so if you are bit and the rabbit saved your life your life then you owe a life debt to the rabbit and foreswear eating rabbit

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Ferrets, polecats, foxes, cats, dogs, badgers, lynxes, wild cats... Basically anything that will eat meat will eat a rabbit.