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Well I think that they think there tail is a toy or they are trying to be crazy.

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Simply to get comfortable.

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Q: Why does your puppy keep going in circles recently?
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Why does your cat keep going round in circles as if lost?

Don't know for sure but last time our cat did this he was suffering from poisonous fumes emitted by a wood burning stove which was new and the high temperature paint had not been cured properly. He did it again recently but not sure why.......John

What is the definition of pocket puppy?

A puppy you keep in your pocket!?!

When you leave your dog with your puppy he tries to bite the puppy what can you do?

The simple answer is you keep them separated when you are not there. Introduce them when you are and teach the dog to accept the puppy.

What do you do when a puppy is cold?

You can put a blanket in the dryer for a minute and then cover the puppy to keep it warm.

What happens when a newborn puppy is cold?

it can freeze and it will needed to be wrapped in a blanket Also keep rubbing it gently but briskly to keep the circulation going. Send me a message if this is an emergency.

How do you get my mum and dad to buy you a puppy?

well all you have to do is keep going on about it until they say if i get u a pet will u be quiet u will have to be quiet and u will get a pet

Should you keep a puppy in a closet?

Absolutely not.

How long should you keep your puppy confined to one room?

Less than 2 hours for a young puppy days for an older puppy.

How do you take care of a puppy that is already weak and tiny?

we can take care puppies by taking care of them . Keep the puppy warm, if it is a really young puppy you should try feeding it puppy milk through a bottle. House the puppy in a dog bed, away from draughts and keep fresh food and water nearby.

What does it mean if your puppy licks you when you lie down?

If your puppy licks you it means to the puppy i will keep yourself or are you okay ? The animals who have owners and are close are very loving

Is it hard to keep a puppy?

Of course it is. It's difficult to keep any animal. But, if you properly take care of the puppy there are many more positive things then negative from a puppy. After you pass the slightly difficult puppy stage and you do it well you'll have a loving companion for the next 15 years or so.