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When I first got my hedgehogs, Izzy and Sophie, ( which was only a couple months ago) they were scratching. We thought it was just because their quills were growing in, but when we took them to the vet, we discovered that the had mites! Mites are sort of like lice for hedgehogs. If your hedgehog is scratching, take it to the vet for a checkup. The vet may give you some medicine to cure the mites. What we did, was that we went to the vet once a week, and each week, the vet would give Izzy and Sophie a shot. Don't worry, the hedgehogs aren't hurt by it! But after the third week, they were cured. But one other thing, ( sorry you might be getting tired of reading this, but this is the most important part.) if your hedgehog does have mites, when you get home clean its cage and dispose of any fabric or cloth that is in their cage because it may have mite eggs on it. Sorry that this was so long, but it is important for your hedgehog's health. Hope I helped!

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no I just got a hedgehog and as long as you don't keep it in the cold you will be fine.

How do you keep from scratching yourself?

lotion, try Eucerin calming creme

Is it illegal to buy a hedgehog from Florida and then bring it to Missouri?

No, it is not :) Make sure to keep stress at a minimum for your new hedgehog during the journey.

Why do dogs have to have a cone?

Sometimes its to keep them from scratching, biting, or licking a wound or infection.

How do you keep plates from making a scratching sound when silverware hit it?

Use plastic silverware!

How do you lift a hedgehog?

It's actually very complex! First you extend your arms towords the hedgehog. Then you grasp the hedgehog using your fingers and palms. Then finally, you lift the hedgehog up using your arms, hands (Make sure you KEEP holding it), elbows, and your tremendous upper body strength. There you go! How to lift a hedgehog. !

Is it legal to have a hedgehog in california?

Yes, hedgehogs are illegal to keep in the state of California.