Guinea pigs itch because of Mites and Lice but mostly fleas, fleas, fleas and FLEAS!!! To get rid of these its best to give your guinea pig a bath in warm water with guinea pig shampoo from the pet store (if you don't have any- use some human shampoo put only just a tiny drop) Then (this is where you really have to go to the pet store no replacements) use mite, lice and Flea spray (or anything with one of those words in it!) and lightly spray over their coat. This defiantly helps! Then use a brush (any old one or small one or even a barbie doll brush!) and brush their coat. This always helps with my guinea pigs i hope it helps with yours!!! danielle (4evaguineapigs) =D
This is not really a custom cage, but a cage with homemade penthouse on the top.
I try to clean my guinea pig's cage around once a week or when it looks dirty.
It means that the guinea pig wants to go back In its cage if not that then the guinea pig is cooled
You might see the guinea pig look around the cage and call for it. Whenever I take my guinea pigs apart the one that's still in the cage looks all around the cage and if he doesn't see the other guinea pig he starts squeaking.
No, paraketes need a bird cage not something made for a guinea pig. They have special needs for their cage so you need a bird cage.
they have a itchy spot
not necessarily; if you leave one guinea pig in the cage with the sick guinea pig, the guinea pig that is not sick can get sick; you should separate them just to be safe but if the guinea pigs start to get lonely, put them back together
Yes because there is the after birth from the guinea pig
No its not, i guinea pigs cage is way bigger. & you should not have the same size of guinea pig cage as your hampster.
You should get a big cage for your guinea pig. Guinea pigs need ample space to move around, explore, exercise, and feel comfortable. A larger cage will also allow for the addition of hideouts, toys, and other enriching items to keep your guinea pig happy and healthy.