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Not sure if you have actually seen your guinea pig pull out rabbit hair, or if you have just noticed rabbit hair around.

Guinea pigs generally do not mix well with other animals. This is not because of the guinea pigs, but that other animals tend to attack them. You may be seeing the aftermath of some conflict?

Most breeders recommend that you don't house guinea pigs with rabbits or rats.

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Q: Why does your guinea pig pull out your rabbits hair?
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No. Not at all.

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Well it depends on what guinea pig food it is, ones with fruits, nuts, colored bits, ect. Are not even good for guinea pigs, so they are not good for rabbits. Timothy based good quality guinea pig pellets, however, are fine for rabbits.

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A pig is a mammal because it fits a mammals description. It is warmblooded and it has a vertebrae. A pig also gives birth to live offspring. Although fine, A pig has hair and it produces milk.They are warm blooded, they also feed from their mothers breast milk.

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Then your guinea pig has probablly a serious disease

Is it bad for a guinea pig to cast hair?

no not at all it is a natural thing for a guinea pig to do but if a guinea pig has a patch where you can see it's skin that's bad.

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NO!!! guinea pigs and rabbits can NEVER live together, the rabbit could kick the guinea pig and end up killing him!!

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Definitely a guinea pig. Rabbits have very strong hind legs and tend to kick hard. They are also a lot bigger.

Female guinea pig you bought one male and one female rabbit to be its friend why doesnt the female rabbit like the female guinea pig?

Female rabbits can be territorial and may see the guinea pig as an intruder in their territory. It is important to introduce them slowly and supervise their interactions to ensure they get along. Providing plenty of space and resources can help reduce any conflicts.