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i dont know just bring her to the vets to see wats wrong and dont let her lick your fingers or hands in case of germs

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Q: Why does your female gerbil keep on licking your fingers?
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Is it okay to keep a male gerbil with a pregnant female gerbil?

Yes, the parents do not fight. Also, If you let them keep their litter, they will not produce another litter until the current litter has grown up.

What will happen if you keep a male mouse with a female gerbil?

Well, maybe it'll make a merbil?

Can you keep a gerbil on it's own?

yes you can i have 1 gerbil by itself and its fine

Why does your gerbil keep thumping his hide legs loudly?

That means that the gerbil is at the right age and wants to mate.

Why does your female gerbil keep on stuffing her self with food?

shes either pregnant or getting ill if shes pregnant shes stuffing herselve with food to feed her pups 8)

Can you keep 2 female gerbils together when 1 of them is expecting litter and after that gerbil have a litter can the other one help out with nursing?

yes but the 2nd female has to be a sister or same family member or a Friend you have to have a male for a dad for the litter pups.

How long do you have to keep gerbil's in their cage before holding them?

After 24 hours you can hold your gerbil. Or in other words, one day.

Can a gerbil go outside?

yes they can but if you have any other pet keep them inside so the gerbil won't get eaten outside

How cat keep hygiene?

Cats keep themselves clean by licking their fur.

I have 2 male gerbil I really wasn't thinking of getting a female until I saw really cute pictures of babies.Should I get 1 female and keep the 2 males?

The two male gerbils would probably fight over the female and possibly kill each other so no

How do you make your gerbil happy for life?

Keep him warm, fed and healthy.

In what temperature does a gerbil lives?

62-75degrees I keep mine at 65