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Maybe the cat wants attention or wants the liqourice.

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Q: Why does your cat attack when you eat black liquorice?
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Do cats eat cat-eyed snakes?

A cat-eyed snake is also a venomous snake, a cat would not attack a snake venomous snake. In fact a venomous snake could eat a fully grown cat.

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If I were a cat I would eat my owners, then find someone else to open the can, then eat them.

Can guinea pigs eat liquorice?

Yes they can, infact they can eat almost anything! Now if your question was, cant they eat licorice safely, your answer would be no.

Can cats eat black ants?

Yes, they can, and it won't really do anything to your cat.

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No, they are not poisonous but, they will attack, kill, and eat you!

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Do black ants attack when you destroy there home?

Yes they do. They will eat the flesh right off your muscles. then they will eat the muscles right off you bones.

Do black bears eat big cat?

I think yes if they had nothing else to eat....

Do cats eat rabbit?

A cats natural instinct is to hunt and therefore, the answer is yes. The cat will eat the rabbit. However, there have been some cases where a cat that has been raised around rabbits will not attack one. If your cat is not familiar with rabbits I would not bring one around him/her.

How would a human get away from a big cat if it was going to attack?

Take it this way, if it wants to eat you, its GONNA eat you, except to put a couple of bullets in it. And even then... don't miss.