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Q: Why does red catch people's attention?
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Why are advertisements not always successful?

They are either boring or do not catch peoples attention

Why are twizzlers red?

i do not think there is a reason for it being red but red does seem to get peoples attention better than other colors but that is only my opinion.

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They dress like Haitians mostly. And they dress very clean

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i dont really think so but red is a bright color and certainly catch attention

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do you mean catch other peoples' pokemon? you can't.... not even with with a masterball!!!!

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The reason is because red colour is very catchy than any other colour and catches peoples attention while doing any work

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you can wear a formal dress or maybe something nice and if u are the quinceanera u need to wear a big poofy dress too catch peoples attention!!

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To get peoples attention

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What does Hoye Hoye mean?

If you are trying to catch someones attention you would use hoye! meaning hey! If you are trying to catch someones attention you would use hoye! meaning hey! If you are trying to catch someones attention you would use hoye! meaning hey! If you are trying to catch someones attention you would use hoye! meaning hey!

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to capture peoples attention

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To learn from them