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This can be due to many reasons, the sow may be a new mother or not have high maternal instincts, laying in the middle of the group of piglets therefore crushing them. Some sows will be aggressive and bite or eat them due to her personality or the piglet may not smell like her so she rejects or kills the piglets.

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Q: Why does pigs kill there babys?
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they have there babys at night because they have more self control and its more quiet.

How old should guinea pigs be before having babys?

NO NO Guinea pigs should not be bred so dont do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

How long before guinea pigs have their babys?

Around 3 months

How are baby guinea pigs they different from the parents?

Baby guinea pigs are small, They have almost no fur, And of course theyre babys

Can babies kill each other?

no babys can not kill each other depends

What sort of pigs do they kill for food?

People kill domestic pigs for food.

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They made modern history eating out their crumbs like babys on pigs

How long do pigs carry their baby?

Pigs are pregnant for about 3 months, or around 114 days.

Do guinea pigs eat their own babys if they dont have food?

no. that would be against the guinea pig law.

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Coyotes typically do not kill their own babies. In some cases, if resources are limited or if there is sickness or deformity in the litter, a coyote might kill its own offspring as a means of ensuring the survival of the rest of the litter. However, this behavior is not common.

Can you put male guinea pigs with femails?

No they will h\ave babys unless you want 12 little piggys?