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Q: Why does older female dog have blood in urine?
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Is female dog urine more fertile then male dogs?

Urine plays NO part in dog mating.

What smells worse female or male dog urine?

male urine is the worst

Can an older male dog have puppies with a young female dog?


Do female dogs burn grass?

Urine, whether a male or female dog, or human for that matter, will tend to kill grass, yes.

Blood in dog urine?

You should take your dog to the vet right away.

When a dog is in heat when they pee do you see blood?

It is possible to see some blood in a female dog's urine when she is in heat, but this is not always the case. If you notice blood in your dog's urine, it is important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

Will my male dog urine's kill grass once he is neutered?

Yes. Dog urine, regardless of whether is it male of female, will kill grass if it is concentrated enough.

Is it bad for a male dog to lick up a female dogs urine?

Could be if she has an infection or disease transmitted through blood(if in heat), urine or that general area. Mainly just an obnoxious awful thing to humans that dogs do especially when not neutered.

What should you do if blood starts coming out along with the urine of a female dog?

You should take your dog to a veterinarian. Blood in the urine is not normal and can mean any of several things ranging from a urinary tract infection to bladder or kidney stones to bladder cancer. Your veterinarian will perform an examination and a urinalysis to see what exactly is going on, then will be able to provide treatment for the underlying problem.

Why your dog urine is all blood?

If your here reading this and not taking your dog to the vet, it may be too late for your dog. GO TO THE VET!!!

Is it possible that a older female dog gets pregnant by a?

Yes it is very possible.

Dog pooing blood?

If it is a female it might be having its period.