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It's important to remember that the nails on a dog have nerve endings if you cut too much off, just like how it would be painful if you cut too much of your own nails off.

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Q: Why does my dog yelp when I'm cutting her back left paw?
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What are some sentences that have the word yelp in it?

The dog can yelp loudly.Many of the wolves yelped as i ran away.

Why does dog yelp when you pick him up?

Most possibly from fear

Why did your dog yelp during euthanasia?

Because the needle that goes in hurts

Why does your dog yelp when swimming?

Because he doesnt like it or he is really excited ... you can tell by there faces

What does it mean when your dog is trying to get up and starts to yelp?

Bad nail, sprained wrist, bad hip, back issue. Age, type of dog, unusual physical activity. Dogs get old and arthritic just like people. Long dogs tend to have back problems, some large breeds are known for hip problems. If it lasts or the dog seems to have problems getting up or moving, it should be taken to a vet.

If my dog grunts when i pick him up does he have an injury?

A dog will usually yelp if you hurt them in some way. A yelp is a sharp high pitched bark. Grunting could mean they are happy. Or it could mean they are unhappy with being picked up, read the rest of your dog's body language to tell the difference.

Why does a dog yelp if you pet his head?

The dog might have a tender spot from an injury or, if it had a previous owner who abused it, the dog could be anticipating being hit and not petted.

Is an angry dog yells?

Angry dogs tend to be distressed, thus leading it to bark or yelp.

What does it mean when my dog is trying to get up and he starts to yelp?

he might have a leg problen. do see a vet quickly.

What is dog speaking range?

They bark, growl and yelp. They can be heard from up to one tenth of a mile, too.

What are the symptoms of a perforated ear drum in a dog?

The dog will yelp when he opens his mouth. Barking will be limited. Eating will be limited and yelping will occur when trying to eat.

What can you put on ticks to make them back out on their own. Our dog has one dug in very deep and using tweezers causes him to yelp in pain. What do you put on them to make them back out on their own?

Clear nail polish will starve them of air and kill them. They will release from the skin upon death.