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I kept having this problem, solution:

1)Water down any of the stained patches after you dog has been for its buisness.

2) I do not know if you can outside of the UK but here you can get these rocks from pet stores such as pets at home ,you place them in your dogs water bowl and they make your grass nice again without hurting your dog.

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10y ago

Actually, it is not just female dogs' urine that kills grass. Why it seems that way is because females squat to urinate and that puts much more urine in one spot than when a male dog urinates on something like a fence or post or bush. This makes it so less urine ends up in one spot on the lawn. The reason the urine of both female and male dogs creates the brown spots in the lawn is that the nitrogen levels are high, too high for such a concentrated amount in one spot. Their urine is also acidic (high ph) and that adds to the damage of the grass in that spot. You can buy neutralizing products at lawn care centers for helping to avoid the brown spots.

Use Dog Rocks, they are brilliant. They reduce the amount of Nitrate in your dogs drinking water, meaning that they produce less, which stops the horrible burnt patches in your lawn. I have been using them for years.

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14y ago

Yes, the pee will create little yellow patches a lot of the time. You can prevent this by either watering the areas where you dog pees really well with water. There are also little grass-saver pills that you can give to your dog in their food that will hep to preserve the longevity of your lawn.

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Q: Why does female dog urine kill the grass?
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Will my male dog urine's kill grass once he is neutered?

Yes. Dog urine, regardless of whether is it male of female, will kill grass if it is concentrated enough.

Do female dogs burn grass?

Urine, whether a male or female dog, or human for that matter, will tend to kill grass, yes.

Can a small dog urine 5lbs or less kill your grass?

Urination is how the body disposes of toxins, so yes it can kill grass. Size of the dog does not matter.

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Unfortunately, yes. Both male and female dog urine kills grass. It is the acid in the urine that is the culprit. Since changing their diet does not help, about the only thing you can do is to immediately dilute the urine with water (a bit tedious) or have your dog urinate elsewhere.

What can you feed your dogs so when they pee th grass doesn't turn brown?

it is not normal for dog urine to kill grass. something is odd - either your dog has something causing unusual urine chemistry or you have very delicate grass! I have 4 dogs and have had others now departed. never did they kill grass. some plants are sensitive to urine but not common grass varieties

Does deer urine kill grass?

Not nearly as bad as dog urine. In other words, no not really.

Does male dog urine kill grass worse than female dog urine?

No. The reason dog urine kills grass is because of the high amount of nitrogen found in dog urine. In a lawn where no fertilizer has been applied, dog urine will iincrease plant growth and green-up the grass. The problem sometimes comes when your lawn has high nitrogen levels from fertilizer and the dog urinates. This would be an "overdose" of nitrogen and cause the turf to burn. It's a common misconception that "acid" in dog urine kills grass. The truth is that dog urine can have a pH of 6.0-8.0(slightly acidic to slightly alkaline) which is no where near acidic enough to kill grass. True Dog urine spots will many times be brown in the middle and growing vigorously around the brown spot. You can now buy a product called Dog Rocks which you put in the dog's water bowl. After a couple of weeks you should notice an improvement in the colour of your lawn. The rocks alter the pH level of the urine to prevent the 'burn'.

Does grass show in urine?

The urine will most likely kill the grass because urine is an acid and consists of toxins your body has removed from your system. I think it leaves brown patches The true reason is because of the high amount of nitrogen found in dog urine it can kill the grass. In a lawn were no fertilizer has been applied, dog urine will increase plant growth and green-up the grass. The problem sometimes comes when your lawn has high nitrogen levels from fertilizer and the dog urinates. This would be an "overdose" of nitrogen and cause the turf to burn. It's a common misconception that "acid" in dog urine kills grass. The truth is that dog urine can have a pH of 6.0-8.0(slightly acidic to slightly alkaline) which is no where near acidic enough to kill grass. True dog urine spots will many times be brown in the middle and growing vigorously around the brown spot. Dog Rocks are great, they reduce the amount of nitrate produced in the urine, which stops it killing off the grass. They are really easy to use, they just sit in your dogs water bowl.

Can dog urine kill a small shrub like an azalea?

Both male and female dogs can cause the grass to yellow. There are commercially available products which will alter the aciditiy of the urine and eliminate the problem. Alternatively one can water the area immediately. I use Dog Rocks, which reduce the amount of nitrate produced, which is what kills off the grass.

Dog urine grass?


what can I use o my lawn to nutralize female dog urine It is killing my grass.?

You can buy a product called Dog Rocks and put it in your dogs bowl. It helps neutralize the acid content in the dogs urine and the spots in the grass should stop being so noticable.

Dog urine brown grass?

Dog urine can cause brown spots on grass due to its high nitrogen content, which can "burn" the grass. To prevent this, dilute the urine by watering the spot immediately after your dog goes. You can also train your dog to go in a specific area of the yard or use products that help neutralize the nitrogen.