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Not all dogs have crooked legs! And If it is limping during a walk probably because one of those stickers got on its paw!

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Q: Why does a dog have a crooked leg?
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What are the signs of dog sprains?

Well, the dog will be limping if a leg or arm. The bone could be a little crooked. It will be weak and maybe your dog will be yelping. Try rubbing all bones of the dog if you suspect a sprain. If it is a broken bone, see the vet IMEDIATLY!

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"with the crooked tail" is the prepositional phrase in the sentence. It provides additional information about which dog is howling mournfully.

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The phrase "straight as a dog's hind leg" is often used to describe something that is very crooked or not straight at all, as a dog's hind leg is typically bent and not straight. In essence, it means the opposite of being straight or aligned.

Dog broke his leg?

Take dog to veterinarian.

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it will be crooked and they would drag it also they wont eat or drink as much

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translates to crooked leg, most of us walk funny or have back problems!

Can a dog bite your leg off?

Yes they can a big German Shepherd took my leg off so now i have a plasic leg . My papa had to kill the dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( yes depending on the specie or type of the dog

How can you tell if your dog has a leg cramp?

They walk funny or their leg is spread out.

Your dog bit your other dogs leg unharmfully why did she do this?

If your dog is a herding dog, it might be because of that. Herding dogs have behavior of biting sheep on the leg. If your dog is not a herding dog, it might just be playing.