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dogs get sick or die when they eat a cookie because theyr alergic to them


Unless it's an awful big cookie pumped full of real chocolate, dogs don't get sick or die when they eat cookies. My pitbull, in fact, loves peanut-butter cookies. The problem with giving a dog any kind of sweet generally has to do with the presence of cocoa or cocoa products.

Cocoa, and by extension chocolate and treats made with chocolate, usually has high levels of theobromine, which dogs have a hard time metabolizing. This means that it's easy for dogs to overdose on theobromine and suffer some very nasty side-effects, sometimes including death.

However, many cookies today are made not with chocolate, but with "chocolate-flavoring", and are much less likely to do any damage to a dog. Pet bakeries have also discovered numerous ways to make dog-safe chocolate treats, meaning even chocolate-chunk cookies can still be an option for a dog, so long as they're bought at the right place.

As a general rule of thumb, never feed a dog something you're not 100% sure is safe for them.

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Q: Why does a dog get Sick Or Die when It eats a Cookie?
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