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Q: Why do you think the cats have to cross their eyes to correct this problem?
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How do you treat uncontrollable bowel movements in cats?

By changing the cats diet. Even though cats like milk, most cats have a problem digesting milk and this is the major cause for this problem in a cat. If a cat has an allergy to what they are being fed this is one of the main symptoms that will happen. Try changing what the cats eats and see if that helps correct the issue. This type of problem can also be caused be health issues so you may need to take the cat to a vet and have them check the animal.

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Why are stray cats a problem?

Stray cats are a problem because they kill song birds.

What breed of cats can be cross eyed?


Are dogs or cats cuter?

Everyone's opinion will be different, due to the type of question being asked. There is no "correct" answer, as many will think dogs are cuter, and others think cats are more cute.

Why do cats have a small nose?

I think if your cats nose is cold and wet it means it is healthy, as it being dry not being healthy. But it is not a very big problem since my cats nose is dry sometimes and he is fine.

What is a major problem with cats?

The major problem with cats is they shed so if you have short hatred cat you'll Have no trouble but clawing

Why was a cat assoiciated with witches?

I think it was because black cats mean bad luck if you cross them, so they wanted witches to seem even more evil!

Is cross bow harmful to cats?

Yes! Please do not shoot cats with any object--its cruel and can be considered abuse.

Do cats now they are cats?

no they think they're unicorns

What are cats emenies?

Maybe its a dominance problem.

Does cats eat corn?

nawh They could.. If you wanted them to.. And the correct question would be "Do cats eat corn?"