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well its the same question as why would you need balance to ride a bike. because if you dont have balance you wont get very far.

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Q: Why do you need balance for horse riding?
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Related questions

Why is balance needed in horse riding?

Riding a horse can be compared to riding a bike. if you do not have balance, you can throw the horse (or bike) off balance and/or slide off to one side.

Does gymnastics improve horse riding?

It can. Gymnastics requires balance and strength, just like riding. However, like the answer beneath me, horse riding improves horse riding the best- but it's not necessarily the only thing to improve riding. No not really. Horse riding improves horse riding. That is pretty much it. It is so unique in itself that it is the only thing that will improve itself.

What do you need to were for horse riding?

you need a helmet, riding boots, riding pants, and a crop( if your horse is slow ). you can find these things at the store Horsing Around.

What kind of equipment do you need for English horse back riding?

Tack *An English saddle *A bridle *A saddle pad For You *A helmet *Riding Boots(with a small heel) *pants You will also need balance and good posture

What skills do you need for riding?


Do you need your own horse for horse riding lessons?

It depends where you ride. If you are having lessons at your house then yes you will probably need your own horse. But if you are going to a riding centre then usually you will not need a horse of your own.

Who is important in horse riding?

in horse riding some important things are balance, timing, being able to see a distance, basic horse handling and care, and kindness and understanding amongst other things.

How do you become confident riding a horse?

become friends with the horse and learn to work together..... I would say that you must practice, practice, practice. Always get a good trainer and take lessons. Form follows function in horse riding. Get the proper form and you will get good balance. Good balance makes for a confident rider.

Is there a horse riding instructor in Iowa?

"Iowa" is to large of a subject. Narrow it down to the exact area you need horse riding instructors and go from there.

Is there horse riding in the Commonwealth games?

Because you need more than common wealth to play it.

What is special about the stirrup?

There great for getting off and on your horse. They also come in handy for balance and centered riding.

How do you ride on a horse properly?

you need to have balance to ride a horse and grip.