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Because gold and yellow are similar colours

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Q: Why do yellow labs and golden retrievers look a like?
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Related questions

Why are they called golden retrievers?

because it's fur is like gold, yellow, orange colour.

Does Ashley Tisdale like Golden Retrievers?

Yes she likes golden retrievers

What is a Labrador Retriever?

A "silver" Labrador is dilute or lighter shade of a chocolate lab. In any case, no kennel club officially recognizes "silver" as a legitimate color for Labrador retrievers, so beware spending a large amount of money on a dog where the seller claims otherwise. In many cases, a silver Labrador Retriever is severely penalized if not disqualified from shows.

What type of dog does Oprah like?

golden Retrievers

What activities do golden retrievers like?

Frisbees and catch me if you can

Do teenage girls love golden retrievers?

Yes, a lot of teenage girls do love such gentle dogs like golden retrievers, but some do like other dogs.

Do golden retrievers like children?

Golden Retrievers LOVE kids! Goldens are probably the best choice if you have kids. Kids love them and they love kids.

Do golden retrievers like the snow?

Snow is like water...they love it. My Golden sticks his head right in there...

Do golden retrievers howl in the night?

Golden retrievers howl when they hear a sound that hurts their ears, such as a fire siren. A golden's howl actually sounds just like a fire siren.

Are golden retrievers pure breads?

Yes, Golden Retrievers are purebreds. They are their own distinct breed just like Border Collies or Australian Shepherds or Poodles, etc.

How big is the golden retrievers track?

about like 2 3 or 4 inches

How do golden retrievers hear?

Like any other dog they hear with their ears.