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Well i'm a smart kid that knows alot people tell me werewolves hate witches because they might be jealous or they or they get killed but im a kid that dont beleive witches but ghost i think is real but...i think its because they cast spells but the only magic on the globe is at the north pole....thats his best answer he can do. bye

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because they eat them and make them into stew

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Q: Why do werewolves hate witches?
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Why do werewolves hate the vampires in new moon the book?

werewolves and vampires are born enemies its in there blood to hate vampires

Do witches and vampires and werewolves exist?

vampires probably exist but wiches and werewolves don,t but i believe they do.

What mountain range does superstition believe is the home of witches and werewolves because of its daunting shapes?

Werewolves and vampires are most common in the Carpathian mountains. Witches are most common in the Alps.

Do witches really hate kids?

No, witches don't hate kids but that's only because witches don't exist.

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Do witches hate children?

No, the idea that witches hate children is a stereotype from folklore and fairy tales. In reality, witches, like people, come in all different types and personalities.

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witches hate children especially dirty children and they have big nostrils so be careful.

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Do werewolves hate vampiers?

Type your answer here... yes they do

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Why do whitches and vampires hate each other?

vampires and witches hate each other for several reasons 1 vampires think that witches are Strong and they think witches stole the vampire name when they were going to be called witches and last they take witches for their power so they can have vvampire and which power

Do werewolves hate people?

Werewolves don't exist. They are fictional characters. They are usually portrayed as dangerous and evil and with a desire to eat people.