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Q: Why do some ferrets splash water on there body?
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Do ferrets drink hot or cold water?

It's essential for ferrets to have water at all time for drinking, As for bathing, some ferrets like water, some don't. Some like to play in the water, I like to provide mine with a bowl or container they can splash around in. if you start leting ferrets swim at about 6-36 months old then they'll start to get more and more ok with it, but for the water make sure that the water is just as low as its hip just in case

Do you have to show ferrets their water?

some times, if you just bought them you should show them were their water and food is.

Do you have to leave some food and water for your pet ferret when your gone somewhere like school?

All pets should have unrestricted access to water and ferrets particularly need plenty of water. Ferrets eat every 3 to 4 hours and need to have food and water available at all times

Is there a conditioner for ferrets?

Some pet stores will sell shampoos and conditioners for ferrets.

Why are ferrets legal in some places?

Ferrets are legal to own as companion animals because some people prefer to own ferrets for pets as apposed to a dog or cat

Why does the baby ferret clean the older ferret ears?

Some ferrets, especially female ferrets will clean other ferrets ears

How much do ferrets cost in Scotland?

Ferrets can range in price some are about £5 but i have also seen some for £20.

Do ferrets like pools?

Ferret can swim, but will become exhausted very easily. They are not made for swimming. And some ferrets like to play in water and some don't. It wouldn't be a good idea for a ferret to swim in a chlorinated pool, because they would drink the water and it would make them sick and that wouldn't be good

Does a ferret have a mask?

Some ferrets have a dark patch of fur on their face which is called a mask. Not all ferrets have this. It depends on the colour and pattern of the ferrets fur

What sound does a rock make when dropped into water?

A rock dropped into water will produce a splash sound, followed by a bubbling or gurgling noise as the rock sinks or moves through the water.

What are some strange ferrets?

A ferret you never met before. Two ferrets that are unknown to each other.

What are some good colour splash apps?

Doodle buddy