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dogs drink out of the toilet because they need more to drink·

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Q: Why do some dogs drink out of the toilet?
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What do cats do the toliet?

They drink the toilet water like dogs.

Can dogs drink distilled water?

I don't see why not. They drink toilet water and gross puddle water.

Why do dogs drink from the toilet?

Cuz they are pretty dirty and a water bowl is to small.

Why do dogs lick toilet water?

They don't know it's a toilet. They just see a source of water to drink when they are thirsty.

Is dogs mouth cleaner than human's mouth?

No, a dogs mouth is not cleaner than humans because they dont brush their teeth and floss to keep all the germs away. They also eat sometimes out the bins and some drink out the toilet. So then there you have it! Dogs mouths are not cleaner than humans.

Why do dogs drink out of the toilet and is it safe to let them?

Dogs may drink from the toilet due to curiosity, boredom, or wanting cool water. It is not safe to let them drink from the toilet as it can expose them to harmful chemicals, bacteria, and germs commonly found in toilet water. It's best to provide fresh, clean water in a designated bowl for your dog.

What are bog dogs?

Dogs that live in the toilet.

Is toilet water good for dogs?

Not really because most folks put bleach tabs or some type of disinfectant in the toilet. Just keep the lid down on your toilet bowls. If there is no bleach or any other type of disinfectant in the toilet bowl then I would not worry. Why not give your dog a nice large clean bowl full of fresh water so he can drink out of that instead. Be sure to give fresh water in the bowl daily.Another consideration:"Toilet water" is just tap water, so it can be tempting to allow your dog access to it and "save yourself some trouble," but it's a bad idea. Even if you don't use any chemical additives in your toilet, dogs aren't very discriminating...and most won't hesitate to take a drink even if someone forgot to flush.

Why does your saimese kitten drink from the toilet?

Good question. All of my cats drink from my toilets and when I had house dogs, they did too. It may be because the water is fresher from being flushed. I have always wondered the same thing.

Can dogs drink tibicos?

Yes they can in fact some people are acquainted with tibicos only after being recommended by their vet to give some to their dogs. Then the question they ask is can people drink it =)

Why is it not safe to drink toilet cleaner but safe to drink cola?

because toilet cleaner is a chemical and is not for us to drink and cola is a soda which is safe to drink I don't know the answer all i know is that the answer above is wrong

Why don't dogs use the toilet?

Because their not trained to...have you ever seen a wolf use the's the same thing for them, their both dogs