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It is difficult to say. Early Siamese cats that were imported from Thailand had a kink in their tails, and for many decades this trait, along with Siamese cats being cross-eyed, were seen as proof that a cat was indeed of pure Siamese breeding - especially in cat shows.

Today, this trait is now considered a flaw within the Siamese breed and has largely been bred out, although it still persists among street cats in Thailand. Siamese cats bought from reputable breeders should not have kinks in their tails due to careful breeding programs.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Not all cats have a kink at the end of their tail, but those that do are often caused by the tail getting broken at some point (caught in a door, for example), or are just born with it. Most cats with a crooked tail do not seem to be in pain and does not seem to hinder them at all. Some cat's tails straighten out with age.

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17y ago

It can be the way they were made in mom and more times than not it is due to an injury to the bone of the tail. The injury caused the bone to be healed crooked.

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10y ago

A cat could have a crooked tail for different reasons. A cat could have broken or injured a bone in the tail. A cat could have a birth defect that is likely a result of inbreeding.

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14y ago

some cats have very poor balance. so God gave those kind of cats very long tails to keep their balance.

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13y ago

because when cats are happy they stick there tail up because it is a sign of excitement

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14y ago

Cats have long tails to help them balance.

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Q: Why do some cats have very long tails?
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Cats with long fur (usually termed "Longhair") usually have fluffy tails. Some mixed breeds and some certain purebreeds are Longhaired, so going by fur alone is not a good indicator of breed. Examples of longhaired breeds with very fluffy tails include: Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, Persian and Ragdoll. However, mixed breed cats can also have very fluffy tails also.

How long is a cats tail?

depends on the breed some have very long tails some have none This depends on the cat. Manx cats may have no tail at all, or may have an inch (2.5 cm) or less tail. Domestic shorthair cats' tails seem to range from about eight inches (20cm) to about 12 inches (30cm).

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Some wild cats that have no tails or very short tails include the Manx cat, the American Bobtail, and the Pixiebob. These cats are known for their unique tail characteristics and are often sought after for their distinctive appearances.

Which mammals do not have tails?

Mammals that have fur but no tails include golden moles, some tenrecs, some bats, gibbons, gorillas, bonobos, orangutans, chimpanzees, two-toed sloths, capybaras, guinea pigs, and maras. There are also many furred mammals with only very short tails. There is a variety of house cats called Manx, some of which have no tails.

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No, neon tetras have very short tails.

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Bats typically have short tails. Their tail length ranges from very short to almost non-existent in some bat species.

Can i touch a cat's tail?

Cats can be very finniky about where they will let you touch them. Some cats will let you touch their tails and others will not. Before trying to pet a cat's tail, see if that cat likes to be pet at all.

Which member of cat family does not have a tail?

All wild cats have tails but the bobcat and the lynx have very short (bobbed) tails.

Why do cats not like their tails being pulled?

Cats view their tails as extensions of their bodies and use them for balance and communication. Pulling on their tails can cause pain and discomfort, leading to a negative association with that action. It may also trigger their natural instinct to protect their vulnerable rear end from potential threats.

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How long a scorpion's tail is depends on the type and age of the scorpion. Some very small scorpions have tails that are barely half an inch long, while larger scorpions may have tails that stretch four inches or more.

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Yes and they are very fuzzy