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They use it to break open the shells of shellfish - their staple diet. When they find a scallop or oyster, they float on their backs with the food on their stomach. They then pound the shell with the stone to break it open - so they can get at the soft-bodied animal inside.

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8y ago

they use it to crack open shellfish, which is a big part of their diet.

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Q: Why do sea otters always carry a stone with them?
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What is an example of a key stone species?

An example of a keystone species is the sea otter. Sea otters help maintain the health of kelp forests by controlling sea urchin populations, which in turn allows the kelp to flourish. Without sea otters, sea urchins can overgraze kelp forests, leading to a cascade of negative effects on the entire ecosystem.

Do sea otters live in the ocean?

Sea otters typically do actually live near oceans. Not all otters however will always choose to live in the ocean.

Sea otters reproductive?

yes, sea otters have young sea otters called pups

What is the sea otters habitat?

a sea otters habitat is the sea

What is the habitat of the otters?

a sea otters habitat is the sea

When were sea otters invented?

Sea otters were not invented.

Where do California sea otters rest?

where do sea otters rest

Are sea otters secondary or primary consumers?

Sea otters are secondary consumers. This because sea urchins are primary and sea otters eat sea urchins.

Do sea otters live in the sea?

yes they do live in the sea that's why they are called sea otters.

What do the rivers carry to the sea?

Stone, sand , and fertilize

Can sea otters dig?

Yes, sea otters are able to dig.

How long do sea otters get?

Sea otters get to be 4 to 5ft long