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When they are calm, or sleeping a rabbit will lay the ears down. At this time they don't want to here. I f startled the ears go up to here. Some rabbits, (flopped eared) are born with long ears that hang down. This is because of the breed.

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15y ago
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13y ago

nerves in the rabbit ears cause it to stick up, and allows the rabbit to hear and react to very senitive sounds.

Rabbits have cartilage in their ears that helps them retain their shape and stand up to filter in all sounds.

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13y ago

the ear that goes up and down is the that hear the predater will busy eating or relaxing

Rabbit ears are normally erect while they are alert for predators or any other loud thing. If one is up and one is down it could be any of these:

1. This is a cross breed rabbit - 1/2 up ear breed 1/2 lop ear breed

2. This is a lop ear with poor ear carriage

3. This rabbit has damage to the cartilage in one of it's ears.

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What does it mean when bunnies stick their ears up?

When bunnies stick their ears up, it usually means they are alert and listening for potential threats or noises in their environment. It is a natural instinct for rabbits to use their ears to detect any approaching danger.

Do all rabbits ears stand up?

No. There are breeds who have floppy ears.

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There are many rabbits with ears sticking up. My Netherland dwarf rabbit, which is the smallest rabbit, has upright ears. Also dutch rabbits and rex rabbits do, to name some. Hope this is of some help :)

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no they do not. hares are slightly bigger and flatten their ears while running to maintain speed while rabbits keep their ears up

Are you suposed to pick bunnies up by there ears?

no rabbits ears are very sensitive and they use them very readily for hearing and picking them up by the ears can harm their hearing

What is the plural possessive of the rabbits ears?

The plural form for rabbit ears is (one) rabbit's ears; or (two) rabbits' ears.

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Why do rabbits with longer ears have a longer lifespan than rabbits with shorter ears?

It's not true that rabbits with long ears have a longer lifespan than rabbits with short ears. Ear length has no bearing on a rabbit's lifespan.

Why do tigers stick up their ears?

they want to listening

Do rabbits have small ears?

It depends on its species and size. Tiny rabbits have tiny ears.