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newborn puppies only have milk coming out of their nose if the swallow it wrong and it gets down in their lungs. As they breathe, the milk will travel up through the nose. It's also a sign of overfeeding if you've had to use a bottle.

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12y ago

we have three day old puppies,one is spitting up it's mothers milk.whats going on?

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What happens to the mother's milk when puppies leave?

When the puppies start eating solid food, they suckle less and the mother's milk will dry up.

When does a mother dogs breasts shrink after having puppies?

Within about 7-10 days at the longest. Make sure the puppies are not sneaking in and nursing off of her. As long as there is a demand for her milk, it will not dry up. She must be kept separate from the pups so her milk can dry up.

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Dolphins drink milk for up to three years.

Can puppies get milk from another dog if it is not the mother?

Goat milk, preferably raw, but the kind in the grocery store will work too. Avoid canned. Canned milk specially for puppies can be used, but it is very expensive for just 1 can, and goat milk is proven to be the best alternative for puppies.

How many teeth does a pitbull have?

Puppies have 28 milk teeth and the grown up have 42.

What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance in dogs?

Puppies can tolerate milk but adults can not. They will get diarrhea and will throw up.

How many days can a mom stop giving milk to her puppy?

Puppies typically transition from milk to solid food between 4-5 weeks of age. The mother's milk usually dries up between 2-4 weeks after the puppies stop nursing.

What happens to the excess milk in female dogs?

After puppies are one hundred percent weaned it takes 10 to 14 days for the excess milk to dry up its just like when a humans milk dries up.

How do you treat dog who has puppies and has mastitis?

The puppies need to be pulled off the mother until the mastitis clears up - you will need to feed the puppies with canned formula. You'll also need to milk the mother regularly so she doesn't stop producing milk, as well as give her antibiotics to clear the mastitis up.

Will milk mess up a six month old puppies stomach?

yes, no dogs or cats should be given milk unless a vet tells you to and then it`s puppy or kitten milk

Is it safe to give 4week old pups cows milk to eat?

It is not safe to give cows milk to 4-week-old puppies. Puppies' digestive systems cannot properly digest lactose in cows milk, which can lead to stomach upset, diarrhea, and dehydration. It's best to stick to formula specifically designed for puppies or consult with a veterinarian for advice.

What chores do mothers do?

Colonial Mothers made the cloths, spun wool, clean up the house, plant, made butter, cook and milk the the cows. I hope my answer is helpful.