He watched the swing sway in the wind.We tried to sway his opinion.
Sway's birth name is Sway Calloway.
Sway has one syllable.
sway sway
sway balance : -with a close -with a raise -with a point -with a hop -with a brush
Sway was born in Oakland, in California, USA.
You can find out all about The Sway from www.thesway.net , or from www.myspace.com/theswaylondon .
Yes. Sorry Kanye, Sway Does Have The Answers
Jack Sway is 5' 10".
To sway = lehitnadned (×œ×”×ª× ×“× ×“)
Sway - comics - was created in 2005.
Sudden Sway was created in 1980.