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Grizzlies dig with their sharp claws.

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to break the ice

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Q: Why do polar bears pounce on the ground while digging?
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Related questions

How do polar bears build theire dens?

by digging holes

Why do polar bears sit on ice?

Oftentimes, they are just waiting for a seal to come up for air, then they can pounce on and eat it.

How polar bears sleep?

polar bears sleep by digging holes in the snow and sleepig in it. the snow that builds up on top of them keeps them acts as a sort of blanket. snow is actually a very good insulator and thus keeps them warm

To what are polar bears related?

polar bears are related to bears.

Who saves polar bears?

Polar bears do.

How do the male polar bears and female polar bears make baby polar bears?

They reproduce.

Do polar bears grow fast?

POLAR BEARS Polar bears actually grow pretty fast.

Are polar bears rare and hard to find?

Polar bears are losing ground in the Arctic due to loss of the polar ice cap but not yet listed as endangered. They are considered a vulnerable species, however. In some areas they are still quite common.

Is polar bear a bear?

Polar bears are bears

What tpyes are polar bears?

Polar bears are mammals.

What are the polar bears predotors?

humans are polar bears

What is a group of Bear called?

A sleuth or a sloth of bears