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because they balance our ecosystem by eatting the fish in the cold water and by living in the north pole.

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as they are adapted to this ceratain environment over millions of years ago.

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Q: Why do polar bears need a cold place to live?
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In what climate do polar bears live?


In what setting do polar bears live?

Polar bears live in the Arctic regions.

Where do polar bears live - in the cold or warm?

Polar bears love the cold , they would not thrive in a warm climate

What is is the polar bear's climate?

it is mostly cold because its in the articPolar bears live in a polar climate. (you can guess why it's called a polar climate now right? because Polar bears live there and they're kinda called POLAR bears).Polar bears live in polar climates.they live in very cold climates. like below freezing.

Where do polar bears likely live?

Where it is cold.

Do polar bears live in warm or cold?

very cold

Why do polar bears live in the cold?

because they have fur that will not fit in the savanna, rainforest's, or other places but the arctic.Also that is where they evolved so over the evolution process their bodies adapted to the harsh conditions of the ArcticPolar Bears live in the arctic cause they need a cold place to herd, breed, and den.

Why do polar Bears live in the Polar Zone?

polar bears live in the north pole because the north pole is cold and polar bears can trap warmth in their skin

Do polar bears like cold or hot places?

Polar bears like cold places, hence why they live in the North where all the snow and cold is.

Why do polar bears live in the north?

polar bears live in the north because they are warm blooded so they need a cold habitat

Do polar bears like the water?

Polar Bears live in cold places above the water. They can live on glaziers or ice covered land.

How does the polar bear live in the cold?

the polars can live in the cold because they are cold blooded sorry to contradict you but polar bears are warm blooded mammals