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Natural period of a long pendulum is slower than for a short pendulum.

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Q: Why do people with long legs generally walk with a slower stride than people with short legs?
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Does how tall or short you are affect how fast you are?

Yes. Given equal muscular development, a person with long legs will run faster (generally) than a person with short legs, because the stride length will be longer for one movement of the legs.

What year was stride gum invented?

Stride gum's story began on a predictably cold day in February 2005. A research document making its way around the factory indicated that people had resigned themselves to the short life span of gum. Stride's lead scientist, Bernard Lock read this report enraged. He knew America deserved better.

How long is the average horse's stride?

I'll assume you are going by the canter stride used in jumping competitions and basic training. In that case the average canter stride is 12 feet long. A human stride varies according to how long the humans legs are and their natural gait, whether they walk with short steps or long steps. To determine this, have someone measure your stride and then divide the 12 foot canter stride by your stride length to figure out how many strides you must take to equal one full canter stride of the horses.

Do tall people fall more often than short people?

i really hope no one was going to answer this because i just did. i don't think height really has anything to do with it....and by the way, if you're fed up with bad answers, go some other website.92=81 93=72982=16

What do you call the stride of a horse?

What actually determines stride is the length of leg and the slope of the shoulder. Height just normally translates into longer legs, so is associated with length of stride. Horses with long legs and a shoulder with about a 45 degree angle or more will tend to have a very long stride. But, even horses with long legs can have a short stride if their shoulders are very steep (less than 40 degrees). And horses with short legs can have long strides if they have a nice shoulder with 45 degree angle or more. So, length of leg and slope of shoulder are what really determine stride- not height.

What would be handy for track and field?

For short distance-strong legs, arms (pumping) long stride For long distance- stamina, strong legs, pacing

How long is an average person's stride?

mines .7 meters. but im pretty short. however one of my friends is fairly tall and she has .75. hope it helps,

Why has evolution not eliminated short sighted people?

Generally because people who are short sighted (vision - not in thought) will reproduce just like people who are not short sighted. A trait is only lost from a species if it inhibits the reproductive success of the carrier. But in the humans' social environment, people who are short sighted continue to have offspring who are short sighted as well. In other words, a standard for marriage (and other unions) is not determined by perfect eyesight.The only way for the gene for short sightedness to be eliminated would be for those who are short sighted to be eliminated from the population.

Are taller people faster than short people?

tall people have long legs so their legs carry them a longer distance in one step than a short persons step. i have been a twin all my life and my brother has longer legs than me and ive always been the slow runner not because im a girl but because im short. I think that short people run faster because the have more energy and tall people get tiered easly.And try not to give up on your self always try.

What is hippo short for?

Generally, "hippo" is short for the African animal, the hippopotamus.

How do you perform a stride-out when running?

Strides are 20 to 35 second sprints at your mile race pace, or roughly 85 to 95% effort. They help a running schedule after an easy recovery run or before a big workout or race.

Do small people get drunk easier?

Alchol affects people differently by weight. A tall person might weigh more then a short person so yes, a tall person would get drunk slower then a short person.