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They are certain reasons of abuse to an average human mind, people have different feelings towards animals the fact is that people defend themselves and some try talking to animals, they kill them in order of defense or greed maybe to put a young creature or old out of its misory, or for their fur. Further more we should try to develop a healthy relationship with all of gods creatures.

Additionally, humans are omnivores.

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11y ago
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15y ago

We all need to for food. The animals will also over populate if they are not killed every once in a while.

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15y ago

there are all kinds of people on this planet, but to kill something this small and helpless takes a whole different kind of creep!

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14y ago

their stupid idiots and their cruel. plus their total BS!!.

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11y ago

why do baby kittens only 8weeks old all of a sudden die

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13y ago

They don't.

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Yes, if eaten.

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No.Only wild cats like bobcats and lions can kill you.....

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the box of a dinosaur is in another box that eats dogs and kittens that kill people and eat their intestines

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