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Air that passes over the steppe in a semiarid climate has lost much of its water vapor as it passes over mountain ranges. Some air that passes over humid continental areas comes from the oceans and does not cross mountain ranges; this air carries more moisture.

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Q: Why do parts of the US have a semiarid climate while neighboring areas have a humid continental climate?
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Why do parts of the US have semiarid climate while neighboring areas haves humid continental climate?

Air that passes over the steppe in a semiarid climate has lost much of its water vapor as it passes over mountain ranges. Some air that passes over humid continental areas comes from the oceans and does not cross mountain ranges; this air carries more moisture.

Why do parts of the US have a semiarid climate while neighboring areas have humid continental climate?

Air that passes over the steppe in a semiarid climate has lost much of its water vapor as it passes over mountain ranges. Some air that passes over humid continental areas comes from the oceans and does not cross mountain ranges; this air carries more moisture.

Why do parts of the US have a semiarid climate while neighboring areas have a humid continental?

Air that passes over the steppe in a semiarid climate has lost much of its water vapor as it passes over mountain ranges. Some air that passes over humid continental areas comes from the oceans and does not cross mountain ranges; this air carries more moisture.

The Great Plains east of the Rocky Mountains have what kind of climate?

The Great Plains have two separate types of climate. The southern area has a humid subtropical climate, while the northern and central areas have a humid continental climate.

Is Europe arid?

Europe is not generally considered arid. While some areas like parts of Spain, Greece, and southern Italy experience arid conditions, most of Europe has a temperate climate with significant rainfall. The continent's climate varies from Mediterranean in the south to maritime in the west and continental in the east.

What climate regions do the US and Canada share?

The US and Canada both have Humid continental, semiarid, highland and marine climate zones.

What is the Climate of tajikistan?

The climate of Tajikistan is generally, subtropical, continental, and semiarid with few dessert areas. The temperature in summers is 30-40 degrees above zero and in winters it is 8-10 degrees below zero.

What is the definition of a humid continental climate?

The humid continental climate is a climate found over large areas of landmasses in the temperate regions of the mid-latitudes.

What countries are in a semiarid zone?

Countries that have regions characterized by semiarid climates include: United States (parts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona) South Africa Australia Argentina These countries have areas with limited precipitation and high evaporation rates, leading to semiarid conditions.

What is the population density of the humid continental climate?

The population density of areas with a humid continental climate can vary widely depending on factors such as urbanization, geographic location, and infrastructure. Generally, these regions can have varying population densities, with some densely populated urban areas and other more sparsely populated rural areas.

What are some example sentences for the word semiarid?

You need to pick semiarid plants for your garden.In semiarid areas, it is best not to plant grass.

Do some areas north of the Congo basin have a humid continental climate?

Yes, it is.