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they fight each other beacause they want a mate to have sex with .

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Q: Why do male sea lions fight with each other?
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Why aren't there many male lions?

Male lions don't live as long as female lions do. They also fight each other for dominance in the wild.

Are lions dangerous to lions?

Male lions have been know to fight each other over females, sometimes with extreme consequences, such as death. In addition, when an outsider male lion takes over a pride by running the original male off or killing him, the new male will sometimes kill the cubs of the original male. In larger prides, females have also been known to fight and injure a single invading male by ganging up on him.

Why don't lioness' fight to defend their cubs from invading male lions?

Male lions are stronger.

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The males are territorial. They will fight each other for a female. They will fight each other to be the top male. You should keep breeding males seperate.

Will 2 male Guinea pigs really fight each other?

they wont fight they have to be the same BREED and LITTER to not fight each other .

Will 2 male parakeets fight?

They may, but will not do much harm to each other if they do.

Do female and male cats fight before they mate?

no they don't fight with each other

Do lions fight to kill each other?

Not usually, only until one is too hurt to continue fighting for space, food, or mates.

When do other lions challenge other lions?

Lion prides are usually headed by a One or two Male lions. Adolescent males from the pride are kicked out by the pride leader to avoid competition. These adolescents, when they grow up, challenge other pride leaders and fight with them to take over the pride. During such take-overs fights between male lions is inevitable

How can you tell if adult male and baby male rabbits like each other?

If they don't fight

Do does female rabbits fight with other does and do bucks male rabbits fight with other bucks?

Yes, females and males will fight with each other. They have small fights that are just a pecking order. The males can hurt each other if there is a female to fight over.

What does the lion's mane help with?

The Mane is a protective hair growth in the lions necks. They are found only in Male Lions. Male lions are fighters. They fight with other males to protect their pride. During such fights, lions try to bite one another in their neck. Without the mane, most of these fights would end in a fatality.